Y. Li, C. Miyajima, N. Kitaoka, and K. Takeda, “Evaluation method for aggressiveness of driving behavior using drive recorders,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 59-66, Jan. 2015.
Y. Li, C. Miyajima, N. Kitaoka, and K. Takeda, “Driving scene retrieval with an integrated similarity measure using driving behavior and environment information,” IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol. 134, No. 5, pp. 678-685, May 2014.
森川 翔太, 積際 徹, 横川 隆一,“装着型力覚提示装置の可動範囲の拡大を実現する可変制御機構の開発(可動範囲の広域化に対応した力覚提示手法の提案と評価),” 日本機械学会論文集C編,vol.80,no.816,DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.2014dr0234,Aug. 2014.
衣川 卓志, 森川 翔太, 積際 徹, 横川 隆一, ” 装着型力覚提示装置の可動範囲の拡大を実現する可変制御機構の開発(可変制御機構の設計開発と力覚提示状態の評価),” 日本機械学会論文集C編,vol.80,no.817,DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.2014dr0265,Sept. 2014.
Satoru HIWA, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Novel Search Scheme for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to Obtain Well-Approximated and Widely Spread Pareto Solutions, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (2015).
S. Kawai, I. Matsuo, K. I. Kobayasi and H. Riquimaroux “Noise-induced amplitude shifts found in the cochlear microphonics of Mongolian gerbils,” Proceedings of the auditory research meeting, vol.44, no.4, pp.161-165, May 2014.
O. Hiroshi, I. Matsuo, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Riquimaroux “Cochlear microphonics and compound action potentials responding to amplitude modulated tones and repetitive clicks in Mongolian gerbil: Comparison between different recording sites, the round window and the brainstem,” Proceedings of the auditory research meeting, vol.44, no.4, pp.167-170, May 2014.
G. Asaka, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Riquimaroux “The effects of attention on period and phase corrections in tapping to the auditory rhythm,” Proceedings of the auditory research meeting, vol.44, no.4, pp.209-213, May 2014.
S. Matsui, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Riquimaroux “Auditory perception induced by optical stimulation to the cochlear nerve,” Proceedings of the auditory research meeting, vol.44, no.8, pp.485-489, Nov. 2014.
Katarzyna Bozek, Yuning Wei, Zheng Yan, Xiling Liu, Jieyi Xiong, Masahiro Sugimoto, Masaru Tomita, Svante Pääbo, Chet C Sherwood, Patrick R Hof, John J Ely, Yan Li, Dirk Steinhauser, Lothar Willmitzer, Patrick Giavalisco, Philipp Khaitovich, Organization and Evolution of Brain Lipidome Revealed by Large-Scale Analysis of Human, Chimpanzee, Macaque, and Mouse Tissues, Neuron, DOI:
Xu F, Sudo Y, Sanechika S, Yamashita J, Shimaguchi S, Honda S, Sumi-Ichinose C, Mori-Kojima M, Nakata R, Furuta T, Sakurai M, Sugimoto M, Soga T, Kondo K, Ichinose H, Disturbed biopterin and folate metabolism in the Qdpr-deficient mouse, FEBS Letters, DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2014.09.004
Bozek K, Wei Y, Yan Z, Liu X, Xiong J, Sugimoto M, Tomita M, Pääbo S, Pieszek R, Sherwood CC, Hof PR, Ely JJ, Steinhauser D, Willmitzer L, Bangsbo J, Hansson O, Call J, Giavalisco P, Khaitovich P. Exceptional evolutionary divergence of human muscle and brain metabolomes parallels human cognitive and physical uniqueness. PLoS Biol. 2014, 12(5):e1001871
Sakagami H., Sugimoto M., Tanaka S., Onuma H., Ota S., Kaneko M., Soga T., Tomita M., Metabolomic profiling of sodium fluoride-induced cytotoxicity in an oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line, Metabolomics, 2014, 10, 270-279
Kenya Sato, Naoya Sakamoto, and Hideki Shimada, "Visualization and Management Platform with Augmented Reality for Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Sensor Network, Vol.2015, No.7, pp.1-11, 2015.
Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Takada, and Kenya Sato, Implementation and Evaluation of Local Dynamic Map in Safety Driving Systems, Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2015.
Tatsuya Yamada, Mayu Mitsukawa, Hideki Shimada, and Kenya Sato, Evaluation of Effective Vehicle Probe Information Delivery with Multiple Communication Methods, Communications and Network, 2015.
Yukikazu Nakamoto、 Akihiro Yamaguchi、 Kenya Sato、 Shinya Honda、 and Hiroaki Takada、 “Toward data-centric software architecture for automotive systems - Embedded data stream processing approach –”、 The 11th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing , 2014/12.
Kazuki Ono and Kenji Hatano: ``A Dependency Parsing and Its Application using Hierarchical Structure in Japanese Language'', International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology, Vol.7, No.3 and 4, pp.193-204, December 2014.
Manabu Tsukada, José Santa, Satoshi Matsuura, Thierry Ernst, Kazutoshi Fujikawa, AnaVANET: An Experiment and Visualization Tool for Vehicular Networks, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Science, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol.137, pp.126-135, 2014.
Manabu Tsukada, José Santa, Satoshi Matsuura, Thierry Ernst, Kazutoshi Fujikawa, On the Experimental Evaluation of Vehicular Networks: Issues, Requirements and Methodology Applied to a Real Use Case, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, pp.1-14, 2014.
Hao Li, Manabu Tsukada, Fawzi Nashashibi, and Michel Parent, Multivehicle Cooperative Local Mapping: A Methodology Based on Occupancy Grid Map Merging, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.15, Issue 5, pp.2089-2100, 2014.
International Symposium
S.Wang, I.Tanev and K.Shimohara, “Driver Safety Monitoring Based on Genetic Programming,” SICE-2014, Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 9-12, 2014.
J.Huang, I.Tanev and K.Shimohara, Evolutionary Development of Electronic Stability Program for a Simulated Car in TORCS Environment, 2015 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2015), Sendai, Japan, May 25-28, 2015.
M. Ohsaki, A. Miyazaki, S. Katagiri, H. Yokoi, and K. Takabayashi, “A Feature Consisting of Mean, Standard Deviation, and LPC Cepstrum for the Prediction of Liver Fibrosis Stages in Chronic Hepatitis C: Second Report using Optimal Cepstral Order,” Joint International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems SCIS&ISIS-2014, pp.1546-1549, Kitakyushu, Japan, December 3-6 2014.
Y. Li, C. Miyajima, N. Kitaoka, and K. Takeda, “Measuring aggressive driving behavior using signals from drive recorders,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), pp. 1886-1887, Qingdao, China, Oct. 8-11, 2014.
T. Hirayama, S. Sato, K. Mase, C. Miyajima, and K. Takeda, “Analysis of peripheral vehicular behavior in driver’s gaze transition: Differences between driver's neutral and cognitive distraction states,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), pp. 962-967, Qingdao, China, Oct. 8-11, 2014.
K. Sakoyama, C. Miyajima, N. Kitaoka, and K. Takeda, “Tracking roadside signage observed by drivers,” 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP ’15), 4 pages, March 2, 2015.
M. Hashimoto, R. Izumi, Y. Tamura, and K. Takahashi, “Laser-based Tracking of People and Vehicles by Multiple Mobile Robots”, Proc. 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO2014), pp. 522-527, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 1-3, 2014.
M. Hashimoto, A. Nishio, A. Tsuji, and K. Takahashi, “Laser-Based Tracking of Group of People with Sudden Change in Motion”, Proc. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), pp. 315-320, Seville, Spain, Mar. 17-19, 2015.
K. Takahashi, S. Sakae and M. Hashimoto, “Remarks on Solving Algebraic Riccati Matrix Equations using a Hopfield Neural Network and Application to Optimal Control Problems”, The International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2015, (18-20, Mar., 2015, Hong Kong) .
R. Ikuta, T. Tsumugiwa, R. Yokogawa,“Investigation for Motor Skill of Operators During Human-Robot Cooperative Work,” SICE Annual Conference 2014,pp. 706-709,Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 10, 2014.
Y. Soga, T. Tsumugiwa, R. Yokogawa,“The Motion Control of Adjustment Mechanism of Transferred Force Rates for Human-Robot Cooperative Tasks,” SICE Annual Conference 2014,pp. 995-998,Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 11, 2014.
Naoki Suganuma, Yutaro Hayashi, “Development of Autonomous Vehicle -Overview of Autonomous Driving Demonstration in ITS World Congress 2013-“, 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics(ICINCO2014), pp.545-549, 2014
Utako YAMAMOTO, Ideya SUGITA and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, The differences of changing task difficulties on brain activities between high and low score groups, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) poster listings of OHBM2014, pp.54-54, (2014)
Utako YAMAMOTO, Ayame MASAZUMI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Gender difference in performance and brain functions during memorizing tasks under the influence of sound, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) poster listings of OHBM2014, (2014)
Utako YAMAMOTO, Akane KIMURA, Hisatake YOKOUCHI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Impact of the different degree of attention to the auditory and visual stimuli, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) poster listings of OHBM2014, (2014)
Utako YAMAMOTO, Mao GOTO, Hisatake YOKOUCHI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, A study of multiple brain activities during cooperative work by simultaneous fNIRS measurement, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) poster listings of OHBM2014, pp.132-132, (2014)
Utako YAMAMOTO, Atusko HAYAKAWA, Hisatake YOKOUCHI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Examination of the proficiency level on skill acquisition using cerebral blood flow changes, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) poster listings of OHBM2014, (2014)
Utako YAMAMOTO, Mao GOTO, Hisatake YOKOUCHI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Brain Activity during Cooperative Work Determined by Simultaneous fNIRS measurement in Two People and the Effect of Different Social Skills on Cooperative Task Performance, IEEE , Paper #1569890521, (2014)
Utako YAMAMOTO, Yuka NAKAMURA, Hisatake YOKOUCHI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Improving the Accuracy of the Method for Removing Motion Artifacts from fNIRS Data using ICA and an Accelerometer, Paper #1569892155, (2014)
Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Shogo OBUCHI, Misato TANAKA, Tatsuya OKAMURA and Utako YAMAMOTO, Working memory training strategies and their influence on changes in brain activity and white matter, Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp.267-278, (2014)
Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Shunsuke SEKIYA, Noriko KOIZUMI, Naoki OKUMURA and Utako YAMAMOTO, Cell Segmentation Using Binarization and Growing Neural Gas, Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp.179-190, (2014)
Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Yuji NISHIMURA and Utako YAMAMOTO, Medical Image Management System with Automatic Image Feature Tag Adding Functions, Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp.613-624, (2014)
Nozomi MASHIMA, Utako YAMAMOTO and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, The study of related sites of working memory using reading span test, Society for Neuroscience Proceedings, pp.1291-1292, (2014)
Kenichi TAKI, Utako YAMAMOTO and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Analysis of processing mechanism of the human brain with multiple sensory information using fNIRS., Society for Neuroscience Proceedings, pp.59-59, (2014)
Tatsuya OKAMURA, Utako YAMAMOTO and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Relationship between brain activity and emotional state during multi-task, Society for Neuroscience Proceedings, pp.399-399, (2014)
Natsuko ONISHI, Utako YAMAMOTO, Mitsunori MIKI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Analysis of color temperature to improve intelligent productivity -The effect of psychological states and brain activity-, Society for Neuroscience Proceedings, pp.1374-1375, (2014)
Ayumi OMURA, Misato TANAKA, Utako YAMAMOTO and Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Sex differences of the pleasantness level of pictures upon cerebral activity using fMRI, Society for Neuroscience Proceedings, pp.1209-1210, (2014)
Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Katsutoshi HAYASHINUMA, Hiroshi ICHIKAWA, Nobuaki YAGI and Utako YAMAMOTO, Endoscope Image Analysis Method for Evaluating the Extent of Early Gastric Cancer, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society proceeding of SSCI, CIMSIVP 2014, pp.30-35, (2014)
Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Toshihide SHIRAISHI, Tomoya YOSHIDA and Utako YAMAMOTO, A Feature Transformation Method using Genetic Programming for Two-Class Classification, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society proceeding of SSCI, CIDM 2014, pp.234-240, (2014)
Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Yuuki OHKUBO and Utako YAMAMOTO, Electroencephalographic Method Using Fast Fourier Transform Overlap Processing for Recognition of Right- or Left-handed Elbow Flexion Motor Imagery, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society proceeding of SSCI, CIBCI 2014, pp.24-29, (2014)
H. Abe, K. Tanioka, and H. Yadohisa, “Clusterwise Linear Regression Model for Modal Multi-Valued Data”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Financial Mathematics, 35-40, 2014.
H. Yashiro, I. Nakahara, K. I. Kobayasi, K. Funabiki, and H. Rriquimaroux, “In vivo optical and electrophysiological simultaneous recordings of auditory responses in mouse’s inferior colliculus using a micro-endoscope,” Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 97.20 Washington D.C., USA, Nov. 15-19, 2014.
M. Takabayashi, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Rriquimaroux, “Relative magnitude of loudness determines pitch accents in sequencially presented noise-vocoded Japanese vowels,” Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 622.11 Washington D.C., USA, Nov. 15-19, 2014.
S. Murai, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Rriquimaroux, “Neural mechanisms for the recognition of the noise-vocoded speech sounds: An fMRI study based on individual differences,” Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 622.14 Washington D.C., USA, Nov. 15-19, 2014.
T. Morimoto, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Rriquimaroux, “Encoding of temporal pitch revisited: Evaluation by cochlear microphonics,” International Congress of Neuroethology, pp.49 Sapporo, Japan, July 28-Aug. 1, 2014.
S. Matsui, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Rriquimaroux, “Optical stimulation to cochlear nerves evaluated by optical and acoustic interactions,” International Congress of Neuroethology, pp.55 Sapporo, Japan, July 28-Aug. 1, 2014.
T. Furuyama, K. I. Kobayasi, and H. Rriquimaroux, “Resonance properties created by vocal-tract characteristics for discriminating individuals in Japanese macaques,” International Congress of Neuroethology, pp.398 Sapporo, Japan, July 28-Aug. 1, 2014.
Satoshi Katsunuma, Shinya Honda, Kenya Sato, Yousuke Watanabe, Yukikazu Nakamoto, Hiroaki Takada, "Real-time-aware Embedded DSMS Applicable to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems", Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, pp.106-111, 2014/10.
Shingo Akiyama、Yukikazu Nakamoto、Akihiro Yamaguchi、Kenya Sato、and Hiroaki Takada、“Vehicle Embedded Data Stream Processing Platform for Android Devices”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications、Vol.6 No.2 pp. 285-29, 2015/3.
S. Lu, W. Hou, and J. Cheng, “Coding scheme for T-user noisy multiple-access adder channel,” in Proc. Int. Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications, pp.507-511, Melbourne, Australia, Oct.26-29, 2014.
S. Kaneda, S. Asada, A. Yamamoto, Y. Kawachi, and Y. Tabata,“A hazard detection method for bicycles by using probe bicycle”, Proc. of COMPSACW2014, IEEE, pp.547-551, DOI 10.1109/COMPSACW.2014.91, July, 25th, 2014.
N. Maeda, H. Iwai, and H. Sasaoka, "SIR based grouping scheme of interference alignment," Proc. 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics (iWEM2014), pp.231,232, Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 4-6, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/iWEM.2014.6963721
I. Sugae, T. Tango, H. Iwai, and H. Sasaoka, “Simplified prediction of propagation loss over none line-of-sight intersections in V2V,” Proc. 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagations (ISAP2014), no.TH1C-05, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2-5, 2014.
Qian Meng and Kenji Hatano, ``Visualizing Basic Words Chosen by Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Serendipitous Recommendation'', Proceedings of 2014 3rd IIAI International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2014), pp.819-824, September 2014.
Kazuki Hagiwara, Kazuki Ono, and Kenji Hatano, ``Extracting Experiences Using Dependency Parsing on Japanese E-Commerce Websites'', Proceedings of 2014 3rd IIAI International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2014), pp.813-818, September 2014.
Domestic Conference
外越寛人,渡辺秀行,片桐滋,ル シュガン,堀智織,大崎美穂,“ビットストリング型遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた最小分類誤り学習の分析,”電子情報通信学会,信学技報 PRMU2014-100, MVE2014-62,pp. 171-176, Jan.23, 2015.
白石裕之,渡辺秀行,片桐滋,ル シュガン,堀智織,大崎美穂,“大幾何マージン最小分類誤り学習法におけるデータ分割法と未知標本耐性の関係について,”電子情報通信学会,信学技報 PRMU2014-101, MVE2014-63,pp. 177-182, Jan.23, 2015.
橋本哲也,北岡見生代,渡辺秀行,片桐滋,ル シュガン,堀智織,大崎美穂,“大幾何マージン最小分類誤り学習法を用いた音声パターン認識,”日本音響学会春季研究発表会,1-P-25, Mar.16, 2015.
落合 翼,松田 繁樹,渡辺秀行,Xugang Lu,堀 智織,片桐 滋,“線形変換ネットワークを用いて話者正規化学習されたディープニューラルネットワークによる教師なし話者適応,”日本音響学会春季研究発表会,1-P-26, Mar.16, 2015.
宮島千代美,武田一哉,“大規模運転データに基づく運転行動理解とモデル化,”日本ロボット学会第32回学術講演会, Sept. 4-6, 2014.
坪井優幸,宮島千代美,北岡教英,武田一哉,“スマートフォンを用いた車載ネットワーク運転信号の推定,”電気・電子・情報関係東海支部連合大会, M3-8, Sept. 8-9, 2014.
坪井優幸,宮島千代美,武田一哉,北岡教英,“スマートフォンによるCAN信号のブラインド推定,”計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2014, SS2-7, Nov. 21-23, 2014.
坂東誉司,竹中一仁,森真貴,谷口忠大,宮島千代美,武田一哉,“大規模運転行動コーパスに基づく運転行動の記号的予測とドライバ適合,”計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2014, SS2-9, Nov. 21-23, 2014.
山﨑駿,宮島千代美,坂東誉司,人見謙太郎,江川万寿三,寺井仁,奥田裕之,平山高嗣,鈴木達也,武田一哉,“自動運転環境下におけるドライバの視行動分析,”計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2014, SS2-12, Nov. 21-23, 2014.
金平拓也,高屋光平,橋本雅文,高橋和彦, “知的電動車椅子のための車載4層レーザスキャナによる走行路認識法”, 第58回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会(SCI’14),215-4, May 21-23, 2014. (アブストラクト査読あり)
西尾 梓,辻 篤史,橋本雅文,高橋和彦, “グループを構成する複数人物のレーザベースト追跡”, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2014 (ROBOMEC 2014) , 3P1-K03, May 25-29, 2014. (アブストラクト査読あり)
泉 竜之輔,田村祐人,橋本雅文,高橋和彦, “マルチ移動ロボットによるレーザベーストな移動物体大きさ・姿勢推定法”, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2014 (ROBOMEC 2014) , 3P1-K05, May 25-29, 2014.
西尾 梓,辻 篤史,橋本雅文,高橋和彦, “インフラレーザスキャナによる人物追跡に関する研究―グループを構成する複数人物の追跡―”, 日本機械学会 第23回 交通・物流部門大会TRANSLOG2014,No.2102, Dec. 1-3, 2014.
前川翔大, 高橋和彦, 橋本雅文, “顔画像処理によるバイタルサインの非接触推定に関する一考察”, 第15回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集, (15-17, Dec., 2014, 東京), pp. 528-530.
村下直樹,柳澤一機,綱島 均,“NIRS信号による運転支援システムの評価”,第23回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 pp. 315-316, Dec.2, 2014.
村下直樹,柳澤一機,綱島 均,“NIRS信号による運転支援システムの評価”,第5回NU-Brainシンポジウム資料集, Feb.28, 2015.
菅沼直樹,“金沢大学における自律型自動運転自動車の開発の実例”, 情報処理学会研究報告. コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM)2014-CVIM-192(3), pp.1-4, 2014,
高橋謙太,菅沼直樹,出店弘宇,松井俊樹,”車載カメラを用いた信号機認識アルゴリズムの開発,第32回日本ロボット学会角術講演会(RSJ2014),pp. RSJ2014AC2J1-05,2014
菅沼直樹,“自動運転自動車の交差点走行のためのパスプランニングとその実験による検証“,計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会 (SSI2014),pp.3107,2014
山本大貴,菅沼直樹,” 高解像度赤外線反射画像を用いた自動運転自動車の自己位置推定”,日本機械学会交通物流部門大会(TRANSLOG2014),pp.329-330,2014
多田 正範, 松本 江里加, 島田 秀輝, 佐藤 健哉, "位置情報利用プロトコル(Geo-Networking)による車両情報配信の効率化", マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイルシンポジウム(DICOMO2014)論文集, pp.286-293, 2014/7.
井上 慶春, 島田 秀輝, 佐藤 健哉, "動的特性を利用したOpenFlowによるアドホックネットワーク制御方式の提案", 信学技法 Vol.114, No.160, pp.21-26, 2014/7.
川上 智史, 多田 正範, 島田 秀輝, 佐藤 健哉, "走行経路情報を利用した効率的車々間データ通信", 第13回情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, Vol.4, pp.209-210, 2014/9.
西野 剛史, 楠瀬 適, 島田 秀輝, 佐藤 健哉, "NoSQLを利用した複数視点による移動物体位置管理システムの提案", 第13回情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, Vol.4, pp.231-232, 2014/9
山口 晃広, 佐藤 健哉, 中本 幸一, 渡辺 陽介, 高田 広章, "車々間通信を用いた安全運転支援のためのリアルタイムストリーム処理", 情報処理学会研究報告, Vol.2014, No.7, pp.1-8, 2014/9.
渡辺 陽介, 高木 建太朗, 手嶋 茂晴, 二宮 芳樹, 佐藤 健哉, 高田 広章, 協調型運転支援のための交通社会ダイナミックマップの提案, 第7回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム, pp.1-8, 2015/3.
石田拓也,宋光輝,吉田雅一,程俊,“Large MIMOにおける多元並列連接符号,” 第37回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集,pp.265-269, Dec.9-12, 2014.
木村旭良,侯偉,吉田雅一,程俊,“任意可変レート空間結合RA符号,” 第37回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集,pp.472-476, Dec.9-12 , 2014.
W. Hou, S. Lu, and Jun Cheng, “Concatenated codes by spatial coupling,” in Proc. 37th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, pp.477-481, Dec.9-12, 2014.
S. Lu, W. Hou, and J. Cheng, “A family of T-user codes for noisy multiple-access adder channel,” in Proc. 37th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, pp.645-649, Dec.9-12, 2014.
木村旭良,侯偉,吉田雅一,程俊,“変数ノードの拡張による空間結合 RA符号の可変レート化,”同志社大学学内研究センター合同シンポジウム講演予稿集,pp.163-167, Dec.6, 2014.
金森大輝,侯偉,吉田雅一,程俊, “シングルパリティに拘束した空間結合畳み込み符号,” IEEE Communications Society関西チャプタ学生発表会,Nov.15, 2014.
木村旭良,侯偉,吉田雅一,程俊,“密度発展法による任意可変レート空間結合 RA符号の理論解析,”IEEE Communications Society関西チャプタ学生発表会,Nov.15, 2014.
蜷川佳佑,侯偉,吉田雅一,程俊,“RA拡張による可変レート空間結合LDPC符号,” IEEE Communications Society関西チャプタ学生発表会,Nov.15, 2014.
河内雄太,加藤一,金田重郎,“スマートフォンセンサを用いた自転車走行状態推定環境の提案,”2015年・電子情報通信学会・総合大会,情報・システム講演論文集2, D13-1, p.133, 3月, March, 13th, 2015.
熊谷茂大,岩崎淳,金田重郎,“カメラ及びレーザレーダによる全方位障害物探索を用いた電動カート遠隔回収システム,”2015年・電子情報通信学会・総合大会,情報・システム講演論文集2, D13-2, p.134, 3月, March, 13th, 2015.
岩崎淳,山本光,金田重郎,“シミュレーションを用いた危険箇所情報共有方式の評価,”2015年・電子情報通信学会・総合大会,情報・システム講演論文集2, D13-3, p.135, 3月, March, 13th, 2015.
小澤和生,岩井誠人,笹岡秀一,“車車間通信環境における伝搬損失道路幅方向位置依存性の検討,” 平成26年電気関係学会関西連合大会学会論文集,no.G7-13,Nov. 23-24,2014.
細川裕樹,岩井誠人,笹岡秀一,“クランク道路における車車間通信用伝搬損失簡易計算式,”電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,AP2014-220,March 19-20,2015.
塩井 隆円,波多野 賢治: ``列指向型データ格納 RDBMS の問合せ処理最適化の一検討'', 2015 年度電子情報通信学会総合大会, D-4-25, March 2015.
若田 麻里,塩井 隆円,萩原 一貴,波多野 賢治,大向一輝: ``CiNii Articles の未統合論文同一判定手法の性能比較'', D-12-35, 2015 年度電子情報通信学会総合大会, March 2015.
Invited Speech
S. Katagiri: “How Can We Make a System Robust to Unseen Data?,” The Ararat International Academy of Sciences, 6th World Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, Oct.24, 2014.
菅沼直樹,“ITS世界会議東京における金沢大学 自律型自動運転自動車のデモ概要”, 自動車技術会春季大会2015 フォーラムテキスト, no.14FORUM-10 , pp.38-43, 2014
M, Sugimoto, Biomarker discoveries using mass spectrometry-based metabolomics platform, Kusadashi, Turkey, Oct 19-22, 2014
M, Sugimoto, Bioinformatics for processing, interpreting analyzing and validating metabolomics data, Kusadashi, Turkey, Oct 19-22, 2014
M, Sugimoto, Biomarker discovery for oxidative stress in liver using non-targeted metabolomics technologies, KCCPT-JSCPT joint symposium, Busan, Korea, Nov 14-15, 2014
M, Sugimoto, Saliva metabolomics: a potential tool for detecting aberrance of endocrine metabolism, Jodhpur, India, Dec 10-13, 2014.
佐藤 健哉, "協調型先進運転支援システムのためのセンサデータ処理の効率化", 第16回組込みシステム技術に関するサマーワークショップ, 2014/8.
佐藤 健哉, "安全運転支援の新しいカタチ", 同志社ハリスフォーラム2014, 2014/9.
佐藤 健哉, "車々間・路車間通信を利用した協調ITSの現状と今後", WIDE研究会 2014秋, 2014/9.
佐藤 健哉,"自動車に搭載するセンサーの多様なデータを管理する新しいプラットフォームの取組",豊田市とよたイノベーションセンター 第2回イノベーションセミナー,2014/11.
K. Sakoyama, NCSP'15 Student Paper Award, 2015年3月.
眞田 和枝,塩井 隆円,波多野 賢治: "概念辞書グラフの経路に基づく語の直上概念決定法", 情報処理学会第 77 回全国大会, 3N-6, March 2015.学生奨励賞受賞.
第13回 フォーラムエイト 3D・VRシミュレーションコンテスト・オン・クラウド ノミネート賞.「運転サポートエージェントVRシミュレーション」 2014/11.